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除左投行銀行同Conglomerates外,如火如荼咁做緊Recruitment嘅仲有FMCG快銷大企!好多同學都知道FMCG嘅Internship/ MT Program絕不遜色於Bank MT 或 Property MT。但係✅有邊幾間FMCG企業要特別留意?✅報工上有咩要特別留意?係咪讀Marketing先可以報?✅報P&G必備8大常問題又係咩?係報工之前就一定要♥️同睇咗呢個Post先😉



為防仲有同學唔肯定快銷係咩,FMCG=Fast Moving Consumer Goods,係指日常生活入面嘅快速消耗品。因為產品嘅價錢唔會太高而又係生活嘅必需品,消費者係購買時會比較隨意,但係小數怕長計,加上消費者會一再回頭去買呢啲快速消耗品,所以係一個既穩定又有發展潛力嘅行業。同學一定有去過萬寧、屈臣氏、惠康同百佳買洗頭水、Body Lotion等,不過無論好市壞市,大家都要繼續沖涼、用紙巾同買醬油,所以我地每個人都係FMCG嘅客仔




➡️P&G (今年嘅MT同Internship已開!)

➡️RB (未見今年Openings)

➡️Loreal (今年嘅MT同Placement已開!)

➡️Estee Lauder (今年嘅Grad Program已開!)

➡️Dah Chong Hong(今年嘅MT已開!)

➡️DFS (目前只見Placement同Data Science MT開左)




➡️確實FMCG年年都請好多MKT同學,除左Open Recruitment,仲會同不同院校嘅MKT Dept合作去做Campus Recruitment。咁係因為FMCG嘅工作內容好多時都同MKT息息相關,例如Brand Mgnt根本就係要做MKT,再加上MKT同學其實都唔係太多行業或企業可以揀,好多時都會傾向報返FMCG。亦因為咁,好多MKT同學會儲落左一定FMCG Intern經驗,去到報MT時,就自然會比其他同學更有優勢


➡️如果你唔係讀MKT,仲可唔可以報FMCG?答案係可以嘅。不過據HKCareers嘅經驗所得,如果同學本身唔係讀MKT,或者係讀MKT但唔係好有相關工作經驗,最好就要避免去報最受歡迎嘅Brand Mgnt Team。除左呢條Team外,其實FMCG仲會請⭕️HR、⭕️Product Supply Chain、⭕️IT、⭕️Sales、⭕️Finance等唔同Functions,你可以揀返同自己經驗或Major最近嘅Team,例如你讀會計,就無理由唔報Finance啦


✅P&G 8大常問題: 當然,係咁多間FMCG入面,P&G都算係最受歡迎!但原來唔係報FMCG嘅同學都知道,P&G有8大面試常問題,唔Prep定不如唔好去面試啦🤪

1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal & saw it through completion

2. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result

3. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, & played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted

4.Describe a situation where you seek out relevant information, define key issues, & decide on which steps to take to get the desired results

5. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.

6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that u produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project

7. Provide an example of how u assessed a situation & achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities

8. Provide an example of how u acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application


心水清嘅同學會發現,呢8條問題其實都係CV-Based同Behavioural Qs為主,係準備時不妨研究下P&G嘅Core Values,睇下佢地比較重視嘅價值(如重視Leadership同Integrity等),去將你嘅答案及經驗配合返佢地嘅價值


再俾多個Tips你,P&G會係自己網頁寫清楚曬Recruitment Flow、Employee Policy、Values等,呢啲其實亦係面試前一定要背熟嘅資訊,咁當Interviewers問起時,你先可以好自然咁表現返你對品牌嘅了解同熱情🤪!


FMCG一般好錫自己嘅親生員工,始終做開嘅同事會好了解品牌,知道點樣去推銷同Position啲產品,唔只會有好多Samples,仲會有正常size嘅新產品拎返去試用,甚至用低至五、六折嘅員工折扣買野😍,呢點亦係吸引好多同學想報嘅原因!如果你都對FMCG有興趣,唔好忘記睇埋 #HKCareers Coaching Program 睇下我地可以點幫助你殺入FMCG☺️:


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