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Big4 interview 快殺到,今㳄向大家披露四間big4 assessment centre interview 既方式!

Big 4 recruitment 一般有三部曲: aptitude test, assessment centre 及partner interview 。其中,assessment centre 肯定最難,只有20-30%同學可以進入下一round Pwc: 佢地將assessment centre 同partner interview 二合為一,所以assessment 都會一日內完成。佢地稱為super day Part 1: 玩mini game 熱身。哩Part既表現佢地都會注意 Part 2: business case 有15分鐘read case, 30-40分鐘分組討論,然後present 俾senior managers 睇 Part 3: written test, 係based on 一d additional information,多數都會同之前既case有關 Part 4: 10-15分鐘 individual presentation, 會有d additional information 俾你,一般只有幾頁紙 Part 5: lunch with partners and managers Part 6: partner interview Deloitte Part 1: business case group discussion and presentation。佢地會俾個business case 你,之後會有大約10-15分鐘俾你read case, 40分鐘俾你一group 人討論,最後會有大約十分鐘做group presentation。 Part 2: individual interview, 佢地會問你一d有關part 1既問題。例如,"你覺得你剛才group discussion表現如何?", "你有冇d point 頭先無機會提出?" Ernst and Young 佢地同Deloitte 類似,都係做business case group discussion 。不過,佢地既case一般會比較簡單,只有10頁內。另外,亦唔會有group presentation。佢地既managers 會係 group discussions 之後問d general interview questions等同學round table 答 ,例如點解有興趣做ey, 打算係ey做幾耐等等 KPMG: 同其他big 4唔同,佢地無group exercises 。佢地會有份10-20頁既case 俾你用大約一小時prepare, 跟住要你present 15分鐘左右。之後會有manager 單獨interview 你,問d有關個case 既問題同埋General interview questions 例如點解有興趣做KPMG, 打算係KPMG 做幾耐等等

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