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"炒Interview 救星" Thank You Letter

係MT/Intern Intervew當中,相信好多同學都有遇過O咀問題,答得唔理想。如果你想力挽狂瀾靠Thank You Letter得到Offer,唔係話冇可能。我地同你分享點寫一封Powerful既Thank You Letter。 首先,我地建議同學完左Interview 48小時內寫好Thank You Letter同發比Interviewer。如果佢(地)係面試時有比你卡片,咁你就有佢個Email。如果你冇Interviewer個Contact,就可以將Letter發比叫你去面試既HR,麻煩佢轉比個Interviewer。 另外,好多人用一封Thank You Letter轉寄俾不同既Interviewer,但係其實咁樣係Spam緊佢地,毫無誠意可言。我地會解議同學Tailor Made唔同既內容比唔同既Interviewer,而內容係要針對你同佢傾過既野。 至於Letter內容方面: 係第一部分,你可以多謝Interviewer 抽空出席。 例子: Thank you for meeting with me this morning about the XXX position. I was my pleasure meeting with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the role and the company. 「重點」第二部分,簡單總結當時Interview 討論既問題及話題,或者就住當時你地對答既內答,再加以闡釋。所以面試時,你要記得同「每」「一」「個」Interviewer 既對答。例如:面試中對某啲問題GG左,係呢段,你可以話再將答案資料再整合一次,咁樣可以突顯你對工作既積極性同誠意。 例子: Our discussion confirmed my interest in developing my future career in XXX. I am confident that with my communication skills and eagerness to learn, I am capable of maintaining proper relationships with clients and assisting them to expand their business through professional services. In our discussion, you raised concerns about YYY. I would like to take the time to reassure you that with ….. 第三部分,再次感謝呢次機會,表示自己對呢個職位既熱忱。 例子: Once again, thank you for considering me for this exciting opportunity. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information. I look forward to hearing from you. 睇完就住比個LIKE先走! 除左Thank You Letter,其實寫CV都好有技巧,如果有興趣攞CV Sample作參考,可到: 另外,我地都有分享好多獨加貼士比我地IG Follower(唔會係其他Facebook分享),可以Follow 我地

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