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係搵工時有好多同學花左好多時間去準備Apt test、面試及學Technical knowledge,甚至儲左唔錯嘅實習經驗,但卻偏偏無做好最基本嘅CV Editing,浪費曬之前嘅努力,無辦法晉級拎到投行或大銀行嘅Offer!今篇文HKCareers想還原基本步,教大家點樣執一份iBank-level嘅CV,咁無論你係想入邊間投行、銀行或大企,都唔會因為CV唔夠完整而被早早screen out!


基本野如CV要固定係一頁、唔使放相,及唔好有錯字就多講,iBank-level 嘅CV係Presentation上面其實有好深嘅學問:

1️⃣ 如果CV 係用尼搵工,Working Experience / Internship Experienc先係最重要!好多同學嘅CV都花左好大嘅篇幅去寫學歷、課外活動或其他唔係最相關嘅事!如果大家係打算去報MPhil/PhD,咁當然要花多啲篇幅係學歷上面,但如果你係想搵Summer Analysts / iBank Analysts,你CV上面最重要嘅,亦應該要佔最多篇幅嘅一定係你嘅工作經驗!


2️⃣點先叫真正寫左work experience?同學可以回想下,你過去每一份Internship係幾咁辛苦先搵到返尼,為左學野同拎Return Offer/Fast track,你又花左幾多精神時間同努力?咁點解你並無好好地、詳盡地係CV上闡述返你做過學到嘅野?如果只係簡短列出你係邊間公司做過咩title,並唔能取信於人,下面有兩個例子:

⭕️Bain & Company, Associate

-Assisted program manager on aviation expert interviews

-Projected post-acquisition dilutive/accretive effects on earning and prepared a presentation deck for reporting

-Prepared 4 companies' profiles and briefs

▶️一個字就可以總結呢幾句Job descriptions:HEA😯!入面好隨便寫左你做過咩,但無展現你有咩✅技能、✅Exposure、✅優異工作結果、✅有咩技能係之後入職時即刻貢獻等!


⭕️Bain & Company - Associate

-Worked with the M&A advisory project team on a buy-side mandate for a British airline

-Engaged in 9+ aviation expert interviews with program manager, covering competitive landscape, regional addressable market size and feasibility perspectives

-Used Macro VBA to build a bottom-up Discounted Cash Flow model projecting post-acquisition dilutive/accretive effects on earning and prepared a presentation deck to highlight fundamental analysis on O2O distribution and sales platform covering business model and benchmarking analysis

-Built 4 companies' profiles and briefs covering expansion strategy, regional marketing plan and logistic flow management









雖然 #hkcareers 分享左咁多tips,但都明白剛入手去執CV係好難嘅,所以我地準備左本有齊投行、銀行、地產同Big4嘅CV templates俾你參考(唔係抄考!),想要嘅請係下面IG Post 下面Tag 3個同學😃,咁就Send俾你啦!#achievewithus #hkcareers2020apr

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