能力傾向測試Aptitude Test是甚麼?
大部分投行、銀行及大公司係收到同學嘅Application後,系統都會自動發送一個Online test或Video interview給同學完成。有部分公司,例如恒生Management Trainee,甚至需要你首先完成咗一個性格測試(Personality Test)先叫做完成咗個Applications!而呢類Online Test,無論考核嘅係Personality Test、Logical Test、Numerical Test或Verbal Test ,都可以稱之為能力傾向測試Aptitude Test。
能力傾向測試Aptitude Test點解咁重要?
簡而言之,如果你無辦法係Apt Test過關,無論你份履歷幾出眾都無可能過到Initial Screening!而從另一個角度而言,就算你份CV未夠好,如果你有能力完成Aptitude Test,都依然有機會打低其他競爭者,進入下一輪嘅面試!
既然Aptitude Test咁重要,一於繼續睇落去,睇下有咩方法可以精通各類能力傾向測試,等你無論收到邊類測試都能夠游刃有餘,收到想要嘅Offer!
常見能力傾向測試系統Apt test Systems
香港公司用緊嘅Apt test Systems其實有極多,以下就係2020/21年一啲常見系統及採用嘅公司:
● SHL (又名CEB/Gartner);公司例子:恒生銀行管培生
● Cut-e ;公司例子:Credit Suisse、ICBC及UOB
● Talent Q;公司例子:UBS、Jardine、HKMA及SCB
● GradACE;公司例子:HKEx
● CAPP System;公司例子:HSBC、Barclays及Jardines
● Professional Learning Indicator(PLI)system;公司例子:DBS
● Skyrise/ other game assessment system;公司例子:JP Morgan及PwC
● Big Boss: Oliver Wyman, IBM system、Wonderlic system
註:好多銀行及公司每年都會採用唔同嘅Apt test Systems,所以以上資料真係只供參考。如果大家唔肯定公司用緊邊個系統,可以睇下條Link,通常會透露咗係邊個系統!
經典Apt test類型
Apt test主要分為1.Personality Test、2.Logical Test、3.Numerical Test、4. Verbal Test 四種類型。當然啦,不同Apt test systems會按比例及各間公司嘅要求去特別測試同學以上各種能力,唔會只考其中一樣,其中以下常見嘅系統包括:
SHL: 算係中間偏易少少嘅Apt test,但大家記得SHL係2019/20出左新Update,新舊SHL System都有公司用緊,去做準備就要小心啲!
▶️新版一:SHL General Ability Test:呢個基本上係將Verbal、Numerical同Logical test合埋一齊去做,雖然題型都有改動,但同舊SHL大概都叫做類似,大家都會覺得熟口熟面。
▶️新版二:SHL Talent Central:Talent Central會分開Verbal、Numerical同Logical test,題型同Format同舊SHL可以話係完全唔同!其中一點係Talent Central強調互動(interaction),唔會好似以前咁只係做選擇題(True/ False/ Can't Say)或MC
例如係數學題,佢會俾幾個Bar Chart你,然後俾啲Conditions你,要求你根據Conditions去拉動個Bar Chart嘅線去適合嘅位置,拉大或拉細個圖。所以同學要做嘅野就會同之前好唔同,如果同學唔係好熟習新玩法,就好容易會做錯啦,所以大家一定要練習一下個題型,唔好直接入去開始做!
又例如係Logical test,唔再係俾5 個圖型叫你搵邏輯,問你下一個圖型應該係咩。新玩法係俾圖型A同圖型B你,然後問你圖型A係點樣變成圖型B,跟住俾幾個答案你,叫你去選擇正確解答 🧐
Skyrise / Game Assesment:即係Personality test,大公司請人最怕用左一大舊錢請左啲無常識同無Sense,配合唔到公司文化嘅人,但係靠面試或AC短暫嘅接觸好難測試到大家嘅性格或個人做野合唔合理,所以係做Apt test或screen人嘅早期會加個Personality Test!
⭕Personality Test有無得預備?
但有一個Tips係同學做Personality Test前可以輕輕研究下間公司嘅文化,估計下佢哋想要咩類型嘅人,再盡量往呢個方面去回答問題。例如下面幾間公司,小編就列咗佢哋傾向會鍾意咩類型嘅人,同學做Personality Test時要諗下點樣展現自己呢方面嘅性格
✅恒生:銀行好怕有Compliance問題,所以好似恒生咁就好在乎同學嘅廉潔(Integrity)同誠實(當大家做Banking任何面試回答Behavioural Questions 時,都一定一定要以廉潔為先)
✅Deloitte 及KPMG:Big 4都係大公司,同事多,所以好重視大家嘅Teamwork,除此之外,Analytical、 fast-learning同Detail-minded亦好重要
✅Bloomberg:好似Bloomberg呢啲咁需要分析力嘅公司,當然需要大家係analytical同leadership style嘅人
✅P&G:P&G好鍾意醒嘅人,所以都係想搵勁有leadership同innovative嘅人 ,如果可以 think out of the box 同社交能力一流就更加分
✅Nestle:同樣要傾向Innovative 同teamwork嘅人
GradACE:考得比較多Numerical,算係比較難嘅Apt test,上年HKEX都用緊呢個System,如果同學有識朋友話做完HKEX個Apt test好懷疑自己嘅能力,唔好認錯,就係GradACE令到你咁難過!所以要Pass GradACE,最重要都係數口好!
Cut-e:同學需要參考6個Data File 完成30- 40題數學或者英文問題。同學仔可以先用30秒至45秒速讀各Data File 嘅內容一次,大概知道各Date File內容,當做問題時再對照返相關嘅Data File去揾答案。Cut-e問題難度唔係愈後愈難,如果遇到唔識既問題時,可以Skip!;Cut-e 嘅Logical Test就會用數獨形式考驗同學,開始嘅時候可以準備大量白紙,直接係白紙上畫會快啲。
Apt test必Pass秘技
不同Apt Test system的計分方法會有不同,同學遇上答錯不會扣分的系統,如SHL及Talent Q時,係時間唔夠嘅情況下,你可以試撞下答案,希望靠撞彩中返幾題;反之,同學若遇上答錯會扣分的系統,特別是Cut-e就絕對唔可以靠估撞答案,唔識做漏空比答錯反而更好!
不同Apt Test system亦有不同的答題時間限制,了解遊戲規則,可以幫助同學更易過關:
✅Capp System:雖然無指明要係限定時間內完成,但System 背後會計算同學嘅完成時間,盡快完成就最好
✅Talent Q:每一條題目獨立計時,所以壓力會比較大
We Help you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, Conglomerate and Consulting In Hong Kong, Singapore & London
Mentored 2000+ Grads Since 2014 | 150+ Professional Coaches | 4500+ Offers across Hong Kong, Singapore & London
About the Role
About the Position
As a Quantitative Trading intern, you’ll be part of an immersive experience, paired with experienced traders who will teach you how to identify market signals, analyze and execute strategies, construct quantitative models, conduct statistical analysis, and build trading intuition.
You'll work on projects alongside mentors in two different areas of trading, giving you a sense of the variety of problems we solve every day. In the past, these projects have included conducting studies on new or existing datasets, building quantitative models, writing tools, and even considering big-picture questions that we're still trying to figure out.
Throughout the summer, you'll also participate in dozens of simulated interactive team-based mock trading sessions. These will expose you to many of the dynamics we observe in real markets, illustrate the role that we play in making markets more efficient, and help build intuition for how we think about both trading and collaborating.
This work is reinforced with intensive classes on the broader fundamentals of markets and trading, workshops on various tools we use, and interactive lunch seminars with senior traders.
During the second half of the internship, you will also get to participate in one “elective” based on your interests. Electives consist of targeted classes and immersive activities, and are designed to give you a deeper and more nuanced look into one of the many aspects of what trading and research can look like at Jane Street:
Algorithmic Trading and Market Microstructure
You’ll learn the end-to-end process of developing an algorithmic trading strategy. Working in small teams, you'll learn how to analyze market data to develop a tradable fair value, implement a trading strategy in Python, and adapt that strategy to different market structures. Teams will compete to have the best performing strategy in several different simulated markets. Through classes and immersive activities, you'll also learn how to backtest your strategy and improve its performance from simulation, and how real-world trading differs from simulation.
Trading Strategy and Scenarios
Each week, you'll be introduced to a new trading scenario inspired by real events on a particular trading desk. You’ll work in teams on multiple mock trading sessions related to each scenario and use the time between sessions to refine your strategy, write recaps, and hear how the story played out in real life from our seasoned full-time traders who lived through it.
Modeling, Machine Learning, and Data Science
You'll learn how Jane Street applies advanced machine learning and statistical techniques to model and predict large datasets. Through a series of classes and activities, you will analyze things such as real trading data, simulated marketdata, and prediction markets. You'll gain an understanding of the differences between textbook machine learning and its application to noisy and complex financial data.
About You
We don’t expect you to have a background in finance or any other specific field—we’re looking for smart people who enjoy solving interesting problems. We’re more interested in how you think and learn than what you currently know. You should be:
• A strong quantitative thinker who enjoys working collaboratively on a team • Eager to ask questions, admit mistakes, and learn new things• Fluency in English required
There is a strong technology component to our trading strategy. Knowing a particular programming language is not required, but general programming experience is a plus. To learn more, you can read about all the internships we offer, our interview process, and meet some of our newest hires.
Please note: Jane Street will provide flights to and from Hong Kong as well as accommodation throughout the entirety of the program.
About the Company
About the Program
Our goal is to give you a real sense of what it’s like to work at Jane Street full time. Over the course of your internship, you will explore ways to approach and solve exciting problems within your field of interest through fun and challenging classes, interactive sessions, and group discussions—and then you will have the chance to put those lessons to practical use.
As an intern, you are paired with full-time employees who act as mentors, collaborating with you on real-world projects we actually need done. When you’re not working on your project, you will have plenty of time to use our office amenities, physical and virtual educational resources, attend guest speakers and social events, and engage with the parts of our work that excite you the most.
If you’ve never thought about a career in finance, you’re in good company. Many of us were in the same position before working here. If you have a curious mind, a collaborative spirit, and a passion for solving interesting problems, we have a feeling you’ll fit right in.