Investment Banking Division會問嘅問題,不外乎以下4類!HKCareers就特意整理咗不同投行/銀行,今年實際嘅面試問題:
✅Technical Qs
✅Market Qs:
✅Motivational and Fit Qs
✅Technical Qs
▶️How depreciation affects 3 Statements? (Standard Chartered - IBD Intern)
▶️Equity Value to Enterprise Value bridge? (Jefferies - Investment Banking intern)
▶️Identify common valuation methodologies? (Goldman Sachs - Investment Banking intern)
▶️Walk through DCF. (Bank of America - Investment Banking intern)
▶️Difference between LBO and DCF? (Morgan Stanley - Investment Banking intern)
▶️Do you know financial modeling (Barclays - Investment Banking Division)
▶️Bonds and Yields and relation to i/r? (Deutsche Bank - Capital Market)
▶️How to calculate FCF? (JP Morgan - Investment Banking Intern)
▶️How to valuate a company? (UBS - Investment Banking Intern )
✅Market Qs:
▶️Tell me about the bond market? (HSBC-Investment Banking Division)
▶️Tell me one news that affects the whole M&A or Capital Markets? (HSBC-Investment Banking Division)
▶️Tell me about 1 company that you would invest in? Why? (Citibank-Investment Banking Division)
▶️Predict the GDP of China (Citibank - Capital Markets)
✅Motivational and Fit Qs:
▶️Tell me about a time you worked in a high pressure environment? (Bank of America - Investment Banking intern)
▶️Your motivation for IBD? (BDA Partners - SG)
▶️Your strengths and weaknesses (JP Morgan - Investment Banking Intern)
▶️What do you know about the role?(OCBC - SG)
▶️Tell me how much tips would the whole restaurant waiter get in a day? (UBS-IBD)
▶️Estimation of how many electric car charging spots in Hong Kong? (HSBC-IBD)
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