HR interview 最屈機既自我介紹方法

首先,找出你interview 既公司及部門兩個最鐘意既性格特徵。例如,big4 一般鐘意請hardworking 及detail minded 既人。corporate bank 鐘意請有strong interpersonal skills 及good self learning skills 既人。然後,詳細解釋兩個好champ 既故事去証明明你既兩個personality trait 俾個例子大家,當係in緊corporate bank: My name is Steven. I currently study accounting and finance at HKU and will graduate in 2018. I would describe myself as an outgoing person with strong interpersonal and self-learning skills. Last year, i was the external secretary for the BEA society at HKU. We organized many large scale events for the student body, such as career workshops and firm visits. In those events, i was responsible for reaching out to large corporations for sponsorships and cooperation. For example, i coordinated with HR managers at HSBC to organize at 4 hours long firm visit. Moreover, last year, i worked as a part time intern at Bain to study the banking field in Hong Kong. During the internship, i had to generate a report to summarize the product features of different banks in Hong Kong. Many of the products, such as trade finance, were not taught in detail in school. Hence i was required to do my own research to understand these products work. IN the end, i finished the report on time, and my supervisor was satisfied by my report