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M字頭US BB Bank - 2025 Openings及最新招聘流程

美資投行(包括BB Banks)嘅Salary Packages向來比歐資行要好。除了高盛GS外,又有另一間M字頭US BB Bank剛出咗2025 Job Ad,一共開咗9個Divisions,佢哋嘅Salary Range一般由HK$30,000至HK$70,666不等,視乎你入到以下邊個前中後台部門:


1) 2025 Fixed Income Division Industrial Placement / Summer Analyst Program

2)2025 Global Capital Markets Industrial Placement / Summer Analyst Program

3)2025 Investment Banking Industrial Placement / Summer Analyst Program

4)2025 Institutional Equity Division Industrial Placement / Summer Analyst Program

5) 2025 Finance Summer Analyst Program

6) 2025 Technology Summer Analyst Program

7) 2025 Compliance Summer Analyst Program

8) 2025 Institutional Equity Division Quantitative Finance Summer Analyst / Associate Program

9) 2025 Fund Services Accounting Summer Analyst Program



・CV Assessment

・OnDemand Video In

・Zoom Interview或Essay Assessment



(Source: IBankCoaching)


但面試流程簡單,並不代表面試容易做。以首關Video In為題,一般可以剔走過半Candidates。主要難處有二:

1)Video In Database非常龐大。



-比較難於網上找到完整的Interview Source。


2) 經常詢問與部門相關的Technical 及 Market Questions,難度較高

- 不只基本的CV-based 及 Behaviour Questions

-如2024 Investment Banking Summer Analyst Video In就問了:

“Tell us about an M&A deal that interests you. What was the strategic rationale behind it? Do you think it was a good deal?”


如果投行面試咁易做,個個都拎到Offer啦。Let’s talk a bit more about the IB Interview Procedures & Tips to Ace them:


【Masterclass for iBanking Interviews 2024/25 】

– Ace each stage from online aptitude test, Hirevue video interview, assessment centre and panel interview of top tier banks

-想了解更多Free Training詳情及報名, 請到: 【




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