咨詢公司最新Case Study類型分析及Full Case分享!
【今年Consulting Firm嘅Case Study做緊咩?】HKCareers之前都有寫文分享過,除咗金融機構外,另一個香港同學好鍾意嘅咨詢業Consulting,今年Headcount都大Cut咗好多🥺!如果你有留意開咨詢公司,都應該知道咨詢業(特別係老牌MBB Consulting Firms)本身有幾難入,而家仲Cut埋Headcount添,究竟要點準備先有可能入到😣?無錯呀,好多咨詢公司嘅面試都必做Case Study,考核嘅內容更加全面,事前好難有一模一樣嘅Interview Source去俾你寫定Script做準備,令Consulting面試比投行更難做!既然知道個問題出係邊到,HKCareers💡就整理咗2023/24 Recruitment Season,咨詢業5️⃣個必知Case Study類型,同更重要嘅【公司實際使用嘅案例】!所有對Consulting有興趣嘅同學,都無可能錯過呢個最新嘅Consulting Firm題型分析!拎唔拎Consulting Offer就睇你,同呢個最新Case Study列表!快啲Save低個Post再睇落去啦!
💡點解知道Case Study內容咁重要?
Case Study案例分析嘅玩法有好多,可以包括:Case Discussion/Written Test/Role Play或Individual Case Interview等
無論係小組定個人形式,都「可能」要求同學係限定時間內閱讀一份10-20頁不等嘅Business Case(內容包括Financial Chart/Ratios/Company Info/ Product Info等等),跟住進行小組討論,分析Case裡面嘅問題,提出有效建議,再做匯報!小編要強調係「可能」,因為今年都多咗唔少公司係「唔會提供任何閱讀資料」,而只係拋個題目出嚟,叫同學根據自己嘅了解去做分析,即係考天才波啦
如果你可以預先知道Case Study關於邊個行業,咁你就可以準備定相關行業嘅資訊,例如行業普遍遇到嘅限制、發展機遇、受到咩政策或經濟社會因素影響等,到時去做案例分析,除卻公司可能提供咗嘅閱讀資料,你都可以有自己嘅Input,更充份地證明俾Interviewers睇,你係一個不可多得嘅Consultant人才!
💡2023/24最熱門嘅5️⃣類Case Study題型及例子:
咁究竟呢個招聘季度,咨詢公司係點樣做Case Study?HKCareers就整理咗以下幾個類型同例子!仲唔快啲Save低佢再睇落去?
▶️例子:A記IT Consulting Firm - Strategy team
Case Study Topic: A hotel chain wants to improve customer satisfaction.
- What is the possible root cause?
- After you suggest a few and the interviewer chooses one and asks how would you improve?
- No additional info given, only need to suggest answer based on customer dissatisfaction
▶️例子:P記 Deals Advisory
Case: Your client is a luxury fashion brand. Identify the customer target group and offer some recommendations to improve sales performance for its online and offline shops
Materials shared:
- Details about brand competitors, market share, P&L
- Online and offline sales percentage
Follow up questions:
- Other group candidates ask questions to each other
▶️O記Management Consulting Firm
Case Study Topic: An alcohol beverage with two main markets: domestic (retail and restaurant) + duty-free under the same brand, client wanted to expand into newly allowed domestic and duty-free markets in China
Tasks /Questions:
- Factors about profitability.
- Changes in Profit.
▶️A記IT Consulting Firm - Technology
Case Study Topic: An insurance company has issues in adopting digital transformation - low incentive for employees to learn, tech debt, and etc. Please Propose solutions.
5️⃣提供Business Development Strategy去配合公司新嘅業務需要
▶️Mc記老牌Management Consulting Firm
- A global firm in the mainland is thinking of switching their marketing approach to tailor it to the mainland audience.
- You are required to do calculations on the budget.
雖然話Case Study好難做,但只要熟讀以上題型及Full Case,你就一定可以係Case Interview期間脫穎而出啦!你都想 #HKCareers 寫更多面試題型嘅分析,等你可以為面試做好準備?咁就一定要俾個♥️同Follow @hkcareers ,唔好錯過任何面試資訊啦😉!