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必報既 DBS banking summer internship介紹,及分享interview /assessment 過關秘技

DBS嘅 internship 點解會咁吸引: 1. 每年都有穩定嘅headcount 2. 每一年有25% intern 會攞到DBS MT 嘅 return offer, 呢個return rate 係bank來講都算幾高。(Internship 其中一個重要嘅地方就係攞佢地MT program嘅return offer! ) 3. DBS係星加坡公司,匯聚中西兩邊嘅文化 。無論係外國或亞洲嘅銀行都會願意請係DBS做過嘅人。所以,DBS internship/MT Program 出來嘅人都會有個唔錯嘅prospect! DBS MT program 又有幾吸引?佢會有rotation 等同學可以接觸到唔同division. 例如retail, commercial and corporate banking 同capital markets. 等同學可以發掘邊條係最適合自己嘅career path. 另外人工方面,DBS MT人工有26-27K,完成program之後人工更加可以升到35-40K. 來緊一月就會有application,interview就會二月開始。 Interview structure會係先video in,然後係phone in, assessment centre最後就係panel in. 係外國讀書嘅同學就唔需要assessment centre同panel in, 只需要同department head 做phone interview.

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