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點寫一封Cover Letter可以幫你過到Screening?

奪取Offer前哨戰:Cover Letter 書寫必殺技 Cover Letter 嘅重要性不下於CV,我地甚至聽過有部分HR同面試官話如果見到個申請者無交Cover Letter的話,就絕對唔會考慮個申請!可見Cover Letter會直接影響同學過唔過到第一輪篩選。而且同學嘅CV同Cover Letter係每輪面試都會一再出現係面試官嘅眼前,係真正面試之前已經會影響左佢地對你嘅印象,所以Cover Letter唔只係要有,而係要寫得好!想拉近自己同夢想好工之間嘅距離?咁就要修習好以下五招嘅Cover Letter 書寫必殺技! ❎首先講下同學寫Cover Letter最常犯嘅錯誤: 1. 偷懶:用一份標準嘅Cover Letter 模版,每報一份新工只係更改公司同工作名稱,令公司覺得同學無咩誠意; 2. 都係偷懶:無校對(Proofread),有錯字、用字不當或詞不達意等好難發現唔到嘅問題 3. 仲係偷懶:錯文法,或僅使用幼稚園低班英文,如 「I like this job very much .」唔好笑🤭,真係有人會咁做,簡單文法唔係唔得,但做得大公司實習生或MT嘅同學,日日返工都要寫Professional Business Level嘅文章、計劃書或電郵等,要求申請者擁有一定嘅英文寫作水平絕對係基本。 ✅咁點樣先算係一份好嘅Cover Letter呢?我地一齊尼睇下: 1⃣第一段通常包括簡單嘅自我介紹,如你叫咩名同讀咩科,篇幅無需要太長。例子:My name is Shawn Hannity, and I wish to express my keen interest in applying for the position of a Summer Intern with ABC Company, which has recently been advertised on your website as well as my university campus. I am a Final Year student currently pursuing a degree in Business Administration and Law at the University of California. . 2⃣係第二段同學可以解釋點解你對呢個行業,或者呢間公司同個職位有興趣,呢一段就需要同學做多啲資料搜集,了解行業嘅發展情況,同間公司係行業入面嘅定位同優勢等,如果同學偷懶,用一份標準嘅Cover Letter 模版,咁係呢一部份就好難突圍而出。 例子:Given your firm’s strong product expertise in RMB solutions and active client expansion in ASEAN area, I wish to explore the exciting learning opportunities that ABC company can offer. 3⃣第三段中,同學可以解釋點解你適合呢個公司同職位,你可以用你以往做過嘅實習經驗或一啲好出色嘅課外活動經驗去做扶助嘅例子,但記住無論你有幾多份實習或者課外活動經驗都好,唔使全部寫曬出尼,亦唔好寫曬全部詳情,因為一份好嘅Cover Letter大約係2/3 頁至一頁紙,太長的話反而令人無心機睇😵。你需要做嘅係highlight 實習或課外活動最出眾嘅部份,講你幫到工作團隊達成左咩目標,或者當中你學左咩技巧,而呢啲技巧又點幫到你未來係呢間公司嘅工作‼。 例子:During my 3-month internship at Hong Kong Airline as an engineering intern, I developed a data analysis tool with self-taught Excel VBA which was utilized by the engineering team to gauge and optimize their performances in handling cabin defects. I pursue great self-learning and analytical skills throughout the internship period. 4⃣最後一段,同學可以簡單總結下你嘅長處同性格,以及重申你對呢間公司嘅興趣。

My passion in the real estate industry and my persistence in learning would motivate myself to complete my story with more meaningful chapters and I hope to continue my story through working for ABC company. I can be reached via email at to further discuss my application. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 5⃣額外秘芨: 1. Cover Letter 入面嘅句子同文字不要不要不要😵同CV一模一樣。如果只係搬字過紙會勁明顯,可以嘗試運用不同嘅句子pattern 或同義字尼寫出不同效果嘅CV及Cover Letter。 2. 睇完以上嘅必殺技,大家都唔難發現寫Cover Letter 其實係要因住每一個公司同工作內容尼寫,真正好嘅Cover Letter係應該要就每份工都修改一下。亦都即係話,當你報左好多份工之後,你會有一堆Cover Letter😂所以做好分類同紀錄,當收到interview 時唔會忘記自己用左邊份CV同Cover Letter尼報名都好重要,如果唔係到時人地問到你同CV及Cover Letter有關嘅問題,而你竟然唔記得自己寫過咩,都會好影響面試時嘅表現。 喂喂喂, 睇完以上嘅必殺技,記得唔好照抄我地俾嘅例子,要按住自己嘅情況修改,如果唔係同學個個份Cover Letter 都一樣就大件事啦😂 如果覺得我地俾嘅資訊有用,記得邀請更多朋友仔Follow我地,希望你地個個都收Offer,我地就日日新增Follower(Opps 自己講完都毛管戙🤪)。當然,每個Like、 share 同tag我地都咁珍惜!下個Post 再見~

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